The World Is a Bit More Complicated than That

The author of this meme doesn’t understand too much about the world, e.g., how anti-democratic forces around the globe are working to unseat us, how rogue states are working to build nuclear weapons, and how terrorists forces threaten us all.

Ironically, the meme mentions taxes.  Try to imagine what our defense budget would be without allies to share the burden of deterring military threats, conventional and nuclear, from tyrannical governments with criminally insane leadership around the planet.

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One comment on “The World Is a Bit More Complicated than That
  1. Scott McKie says:

    This is a typical example of the “…’Me’ first / ‘ME’ only…” mindset that a portion of the US population holds — and it almost always comes from an un-educated / “I want to go back to a simpler time” mindset.

    These people are “something” that is hard to get a logical mind around — because they obviously have made a conscience choice to believe what they do — that they are the only one’s living on this rock.

    This viewpoint almost always comes from individuals that ae in the “under-educated / economically poorer / ‘I’m picked on'” sections of the country; who wrapping themselves in the US flag: think of themselves as the only people in the US that are protecting the country — by isolating it through such things as this taxation position in the meme.

    The problem for the rest of the US population is — that we have to put up with these idiots.
    We can’t just “round-file” them send “somewhere else” – because
    there is “no where else” to put / send them — outside of a total “in-place” embargo.