Trump Must Survive

Re: the meme here, Donna Schlesak writes: I’ve never wished anyone dead and I’m opposed to the death penalty, but I can’t say I’d be sorry. Imagine if Hitler died years before he did. So many millions wouldn’t have lost their lives if he had. My family will be celebrating when this dictator wanna be is gone. And yes, I’m wishing that someone would take one for the team.
I hear people say this constantly. My response, as I’ve mentioned before, is that the only way to purge this nation of the scourge of Trumpism is to let the justice system take its course.
Even then, when Trump is tried and convicted, there will still be people who believe that he was unfairly persecuted by the Deep State, the Hollywood elites, the radical Marxists, and God knows who else.
Yet, suppose he dies before this process can unfold; he will be considered a martyr by his base.
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One comment on “Trump Must Survive
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Unfortunately you’re absolutely correct.