One comment on “Getting on Board with Ted Cruz
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Stop it with the “fancy-talk”.

    It’s the young white; young black; and young Latino voter that is thinking of joining the “standard issue” MAGA Republican voter — that you are actually talking about: because they are the real problem.

    These people don’t need “refined levels of thinking” — they are actually thinking of voting foter a Trump Dictatorship — and want to destroy the US as it was initially created — for some unknown/ unarticulated / nonsense.

    They’re traitors Craig – and should be called out for what they truly are.
    when you focus the spotlight directly on them as being the actual cause behind having to deal with the scum that they voted into office — they have a tendency to shrink back into the shadow – and not vote.

    And if they do stand up for their votes — then they indict themselves as being the cause behind the problem.

    Just “buckle-up and do it instead of “fancy-talk” around it.