What We’ve Learned about Leadership

This from French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher François-Marie Arouet, known to us as Voltaire.  If you’ve never read Candide, I hope you’ll treat yourself.

The reason he’s correct here is the truth of what Plato said 2000 years prior, which I paraphrase: Only people who do not desire power are qualified to have it.

The United States has had its issues with a few presidents, e.g., Jackson, Harding, and Nixon, though, until Trump, we never had a leader whose interests were based only on his own enrichment and aggrandizement.


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One comment on “What We’ve Learned about Leadership
  1. Scott McKie says:

    And the only reason that he is what he is to his followers – is that they recognize him as “one of them” – with their “self-centered enrichment and aggrandizement”.