Robert F. Kennedy on Embracing the Future

Here’s Bobby Kennedy’s assertion on our society’s resistance to change.  He certainly nailed something important, but I would argue that what we’re looking at now, several decades after his death, has a far uglier and meaner look on its face.

The vast majority of Republican voters appear comfortable being led by a vicious criminal who is doing his level best to overthrow American democracy and replace it with a dictatorship featuring mass cruelty, the rejection of science, racism, fanatical Christianity, the demise of the middle class, and the abandonment of rule of law.



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One comment on “Robert F. Kennedy on Embracing the Future
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Now– you are finally “getting the picture” of what the country is up against.

    And it’s not just about this election — it’s what they have become — by choice.

    The question is – now that you say here – that you see them for what they are — will you keep saying so?