A Hot Moment in Climate Change Denial

This MSN.com article begins:

Late Sunday night, Lauren Boebert shared this post on social media, where she openly disparaged climate activists.

“You’ve got to appreciate the irony of climate protesters trudging through a foot of snow and -30 degree wind chills to yell about how the planet is warming,” she wrote.

“They just don’t see it, do they?”

Her post ignited a firestorm, with many users pointing out her apparent ignorance on the subject.

“It’s not just about the Earth getting hotter; it’s about extreme weather patterns as the Earth tries to adapt,” one user explained.

“This includes intensified cold spells, erratic rainfall, heavy snow, and more, all symptoms of climate change.”

Others shared graphs showing the drastic changes in climate across the world in recent years, noting that the science has been well-documented.

We need to face the fact that we in the U.S. are nowhere close to a point the realities of climate change are uniformly accepted, as there are plenty of people who reject science generally. This country will feature uneducated folks living in its rural districts for as long as we have a society here.  I advise not wasting our mental and emotional resources getting into a snit about American ignorance; it’s just a part of who we are as a nation.

That these people have leaders who themselves are boobs changes absolutely nothing.

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