How the Senate GOP Regards Trump

It’s pretty clear that the only thing preventing senate Republicans from making their revulsion of Trump public is their well-founded fear that, via severe reprisals by the former president, they’ll lose their seats.

These people may be (OK, are) scum, but they would love to be in a position in which they could admit to their constituencies that Trump a) is a garden variety criminal, b) is terrible for the common American, and c) makes a mockery of the United States on the world stage.

Hell, even Ron DeSantis, whom Trump loved to bully by peppering him with unkind nicknames, endorsed Trump after withdrawing his candidacy.  It’s hard to imagine anything more cowardly.

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One comment on “How the Senate GOP Regards Trump
  1. Scott McKie says:

    You nailed it and it’s got one name — “Cowardice”.

    But you have to finish it by stating that it started with every Republican voter — that either now votes for, or has voted for any Republican Coward since Trump ran for office.

    Republican Cowardice has always been there – Trump just uncovered it for all to see.