Top-Ranking Military Leaders Want Trump Gone
I’m going to ask you to chip in to VoteVets. Let me tell you why:
Donald Trump is attacking Gold Star Families. When I lost my father in the Vietnam War many years ago, I could never have imagined a Commander-in-Chief calling him a “sucker” or “loser.” Trump did just that. He then had the audacity to attack the Gold Star Families that tried to hold him accountable. Gold Star Families who are just trying to honor their sons and daughters. It’s so disrespectful.
We must do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump loses re-election. VoteVets does the work – and will make sure the best possible people get elected to higher office. So please, make a donation to VoteVets today.
Our most respected and honored military leaders have a few things in common: they see that Donald Trump is a disgrace to our country, that he represents great danger in terms of our nation’s stability as a world leader, and that we as citizens need to do everything we can to ensure that he never returns to power.
IT’s call “extreme prejudice”.