Being Evil and Traitorous Is One Thing; Proudly Admitting It Is Another

Most of us live our lives such that the world is a better place because of what we do.

Of course, not everyone can say that, but here’s a guy who has taken disloyalty to his country out of the hands of the amateurs.

Meet former Texas sheriff and sitting U.S. representative Troy Nehls, and ask yourself this: Do you really want to publicly admit that innocent people, as well as the nation as a whole, one that you’ve sworn to serve and protect, are suffering because of you?

That’s a blend of stupidity, candor, and evil that’s actually hard to find.

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One comment on “Being Evil and Traitorous Is One Thing; Proudly Admitting It Is Another
  1. Scott McKie says:

    “Texas” is a myth – pushed by people who call themselves “Texans” — in order to try and fortify the “myth”.

    When anyone places their personal position before what a “legally elected” Government’s position is — that is being a traitor.

    Because all of this Country(including Texas with it’s “Texans” are part of the Republic of the United States of America: meaning that after the election as a member of the Republic:
    — actively working against the Government position – is being a traitor against the Republic.

    This “Texan” is a trator.