Democrat Runs for Utah Senate Seat
I’m Caroline Gleich: a ski mountaineer, activist, and a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Utah. I’ve summited Everest, and my next climb is running for office.
Despite warnings that it could harm my career, I embarked on a mission to give back to the people and places that shaped my life.
From climbing mountains to advocacy, I’ve expanded my passion for sports into a platform for change.
Together, we can bring an ethic of care, compassion, and a desire to improve the lives of Americans. But I can’t do this alone: will you contribute $15 or more today?
Anytime a Democrat can win in a deep red state like Utah, I’m certainly onboard (though I don’t normally contribute).
My main concern here is that Trump beat Biden by more than 20 points in the state in 2020. As shown in the graphic below, most of Utah is actively repugnant to Gleich’s “ethic of care, compassion, and a desire to improve the lives of Americans.”
Most of these people, if they read her message at all, will translate it as “I’m a woke, radical leftist, who, if elected, will flood our country with vermin from the south, weaponize the justice system to criminally prosecute the greatest president the U.S. has ever had, and replace traditional American values with godlessness, access to abortion, softness on crime, and pornography in our schools.”
You nailed it>
But she hasn’t got a chance — because most of the people in Utah are Mormons – which is a cult unto itself.
I’ve found them to be real chameleons – actually being real pit vipers if questioned.