When Celebrities Need to Shut Their Mouths: Let’s Think About This for a Minute

Two comments on the meme here:

a) It’s next to impossible to know whether or not 1970s rocker Alice Cooper actually said this.  Today, it’s common for the MAGA crowd to fabricate stories about celebrities who are known to be kind and thoughtful people who, for instance, “refuse to work with Disney because the organization is ‘woke.'”  Idiots believe this, and we live among them. It’s pathetic, but true.

b) Fortunately for us all, we Americans enjoy the protection of most (but not all) forms of speech under the First Amendment to our constitution. Yes, there are people who, erroneously, believe that Trump’s inciting the January 6th insurrection or lying about the honor of the judges presiding over his prosecution of the 88 felonies he is alleged to have committed are similarly protected.

But here, we have popular people who simply want to express their views.  These people include billionaires, star athletes, actors, and musicians.  If you have a problem with that, you really have no idea what First Amendment means.

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