Corporate Price Gouging

The United States boasts the lowest inflation rate of the OECD nations, and that rate is holding steady at about 3.5%.

Yet the common American is having trouble affording basic goods and services.  Perhaps that’s because of record corporate profits, a phenomenon that the business world seems to be acknowledging.

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One comment on “Corporate Price Gouging
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    It appears we’re seeing the same witlessly vicious snowball effect that occurred during the Great Depression during which tens of thousands of citizens ended up starving in the streets:

    Prices are hiked up to the point where people can’t afford products; sales start to drop; businesses cut both staff and quality; customers are lost and more people can’t afford products; businesses consolidate and monopolies result; staff is cut further; prices rise further; more people can’t afford products… etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…

    This foolish cruelty is then politely termed “the business cycle.”