How Much Insanity Will Americans Tolerate?

The New York Times reports as follows:

Election Updates: Trump falsely claims the Biden administration was ‘locked & loaded’ to kill him.

We all know that there are tens of millions of hateful morons who will believe anything Trump tells them.  But fortunately, “tens of millions” isn’t going to get the job done in November.

In 2020, the former president got 74.2 million votes and still lost by almost exactly 7 million ballots. And that was before Trump was hit with indictments from four different jurisdictions totally 88 felony counts.

In many ways, we’re a pathetic nation.  Can anyone imagine Germany, or France, or Japan electing a criminal conman to lead them?  Yet our pitiable nature only goes so far, and that’s not nearly far enough to put Trump back in the White House.


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One comment on “How Much Insanity Will Americans Tolerate?
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    It is to be fervently hoped at the better angels of our nature will evidence themselves in Roevember, especially given all the unseemly manipulations and restrictions that have been put in place – and will be put in place – to prevent the vote from being properly cast and counted.

    Maddeningly, it is still quite possible that a candidate who loses the popular vote by millions can still claim hour White House through the old slaver’s Electoral College. It’s how the “stable genius” got in the first time.

    Then, of course, there’s the mendacious majority of the U.S. Supreme(ly corrupt) Court, where we may easily see some kind of replay of Bush v Gore as Trump v Biden.