The Proper Role of Government

FWIW, I agree with Michael Foot, Labour Party Member of Parliament in 1980s England.  I would add that this whole matter is even simpler now, 40 years later, as the rich have gotten far richer and the poor far poorer.

Taxing billionaires puts essentially zero financial strain on them, while ensuring that no one dies of a treatable disease, no one who wants an education is denied one, and no one in need of food and shelter lives starving on the streets.

It’s the way the entirety of the rest of the developed world lives.

Make it so.



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One comment on “The Proper Role of Government
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    Indeed, a billion dollars is $83,000 a month for a thousand years.

    No one needs that kind of money.

    As a species, we once recognized the lethal consequences of hoarding, and saw that it represented a psychological and spiritual illness that needed to be addressed to avoid deadly and spreading consequences for the rest of the tribe.

    We have lost sight of that wisdom, and allowed the greedy too much power.