For Today’s GOP, Truth Doesn’t Matter

Senator Lindsey Graham is typical of today’s Republican party in that facts don’t matter.  Truth and lies run together like the Euphrates flowing into the Tigris.

The commenter could have added: Except when a political party wants to allow the overthrowing of the U.S. federal government / American democracy.

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One comment on “For Today’s GOP, Truth Doesn’t Matter
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    When I read Graham’s absurd claim above, my body isn’t sure whether to guffaw or vomit.

    There’s nothing at all “conservative” about the party now.

    They’re certainly no longer about wise stewardship of resources, nor fiscal responsibility, nor even states rights or localized authority (unless fully in agreement with their desire of the moment)… not our birthrights of free speech, nor assembly, nor free press, nor privacy, nor to be secure in one’s person and affects… only the right to bear lethal weapons, and the “right” to hoard wealth.

    They’ve got all their clumsy, twitching thumbs in every single citizen’s personal freedom pie – from our books, to our bedrooms, to our bodies.

    The GOP now exhibits a deeply insidious and gargantuan hypocrisy…