Reducing the Incidence of Gun Violence

From the Sandy Hook Promise:

When the Senate failed to pass background check legislation after my sweet little Daniel was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary, I was absolutely devastated. I had spent months going from Senate office to Senate office, sharing photos of my gap-toothed little boy – showing them the human toll of inaction. It gutted me to watch as some of those same senators voted to stop the bill, but I refused to give up hope.

Now, a decade later, we have another chance: The Background Check Expansion Act has been introduced in the Senate – a bill that would close dangerous loopholes in our background check system that put children’s lives at risk. That’s why we need another 947 petition signatures before midnight to reach our goal of 650,000 people sending a powerful message to the Senate demanding they act now – and it looks like your name is missing.
Please, sign now to urge the Senate to pass the Background Check Expansion Act to protect more children from gun violence.
– Mark Barden (Daniel’s father)
One doesn’t have to look too far to find areas of gross corruption in the U.S. congress, but the lock that the National Rifle Association has on our senators and representatives may sit at the top of the list.  A full 97% of American voters want mandatory background checks for prospective gun owners, though this whole subject continues to bump along with little real progress.
Here’s the petition on The Background Check Expansion Act that I just signed.  I hope you’ll join me.
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