Trump’s “Unified Reich”

From VoteVets:

Donald Trump recently promoted fascist propaganda on his personal social media site, Truth Social. He posted a video of ideal newspaper headlines for if he won re-election. One of them reads “a unified Reich.” This is threatening fascist language that was used by European dictators in Nazi Germany during World War II. If we want to prevent history from repeating itself, we must act NOW.  Please rush a donation and help VoteVets take action against this disgusting and dangerous behavior.

A couple of points:

• Yes, of all words meaning “governmental administration,” his choice here is a dog whistle (perhaps “airhorn blast?”) to his white nationalist support base.

• In the off chance that Trump is re-elected by electoral college, there will be nothing “unified” about his administration whatsoever. The majority of American voters detest Trump and everything he stands for.

As I’ve said before, it’s interesting that so many vets are so adamantly committed to ensuring Trump never sees the inside of the White House again.  These are people of honor and truth, and they see through Trump completely.

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