What It Means to Be Surrounded by Criminals

As this guy points out, being a Trump supporter means accepting an endless sea of criminality–or living in a world of total delusion and denial.

On top of that you need to believe Trump’s claim that the country is falling apart and that, once again, he’s the only one who can fix it.

The speaker makes an interesting point to the effect that the country obviously isn’t falling apart, thought it actually could be doing so in “Trump-centric neighborhoods.”

I question that.  Think about the reddest, most backwards regions of America, perhaps the Deep South.  Neither you nor I would want to live there, but these areas are not going downhill, in terms of the most significant metrics: education, economic opportunity, healthcare outcomes, etc.  They are already at the bottom, and they’ve stayed there for more than a century. These folks are totally comfortable with that.  They aspire to nothing more.

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