The Horrible Truths We Face in the U.S. November Presidential Election

I’m surprised to see this pabulum from George Clooney.  It’s not incorrect, but it’s an extremely bland statement as to what’s going on here.

All U.S. elections are about progressives, who, by definition, want to move our country forward, and conservatives who want to move the country back to an earlier time. Look at Barry Goldwater vs. Lyndon  Johnson, or G.W. Bush vs. Al Gore, or any of the others.

What makes this election unique is that one of its two candidates is clearly a criminal sociopath.  We’ve heard what he said about exacting revenge against his political enemies.  We’ve all read the indictments against him, and seen that multiple grand juries have found solid evidence that he tried to overthrow the U.S. federal government.  There’s not much doubt as to what’s going to happen to American democracy if he’s re-elected.

America finds itself at a truly momentous point in time, and it has little to do with the usual issues of liberal and conservative.

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