Elon Musk

From a reader:

So Elon made a deal to create extraordinary value for shareholders, enabled Tesla to build more EVs than most other makers put together, wasted $0 on advertising propaganda and got paid less than Ford spent on its ad (propaganda) campaigns, so you hate him?? That’s just dumb. Who do you think is going to actually build the clean transportation products we lefties have been screaming for? Just stop dissing the guy and let him keep helping us!!

There are plenty of progressives who feel this way, and I think it takes a great deal of maturity to agree.

Obviously, it would have been far better if Musk were a good person, and not a garden-variety Trump supporter, but “it is what it is.”

Clearly, if Trump is re-elected and succeeds in his quest to turn the United States into an autocracy driven by a sociopath, I’ll feel differently.


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