Trying in Vain to Understand Trumpism

Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Trumpism is that the top people who worked for the former president during his term in the White House refuse to support him for re-election, including our top military officers, but that the typical Republican voter does not seem to care a whit.

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One comment on “Trying in Vain to Understand Trumpism
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Craig — that is because they are no different than trump — they want a dictator – just like a lot of Germans did before WW II.
    That normally comes – when people feel “disenfranchised”- whatever that actually means — but to them — they feel “left-behind / looked down on / it’s somebody else’s fault that they are where they are — that kind of stuff.
    They also are “followers” — and Trump is their Pied Piper with his B.S. song – which is easier to believe than getting up off their asses and changing tier own life for the better.
    I’m not saying they’re lazy – they work hard — but mostly at what we would call “manual / hands on” type jobs — and they fear loosing their job by automation — but won’t go to school to get ahead.
    I know — I’ve lived within these MAGA areas — but simply had to move — because I couldn’t stand the shear blindness they have.