Old Friend (Princeton Grad) Suggests Kamala Harris Is a Blithering Idiot, But How Fair Is His Accusation?
David: Is that a dangling duality or somethin’, girl? You never got to the “on the other hand” part, which I was awaiting with bated breath. Your words make as much sense as the old quip: What’s the difference between a duck?
Craig: Did she say something at the end of this? Or did she excuse herself to go potty? Highly accomplished people like her can normally complete their thoughts.
As a federal prosecutor, did she commonly summarize her position against a defendant with, “And thus the people think he’s a bad guy because he, oh, whatever. And who cares anyway?” I can’t imagine that this would have worked.
David: She said some more words but never completed that string of nonsense. Full text here.
Craig: How strange, especially given how easy it would have been to say something even semi-intelligent, like, “Yet democracy falls apart in the absence of good public education.” Or: “But sometimes demagogues come along and temporarily subvert democracy.” I could write one of these a minute for an hour, and never even slow down. I’m sure you could too.
Also, people have been known to lose their train of thought. Happens to the best of us.