Trump: Don’t Worry, Not Even Your Base Expects Anything of Substance from You

If I were Trump, I wouldn’t be too worried about the meme here.  In particular, his voters expect exactly zero from him in terms of things like healthcare, education, job growth, pandemic response, or any other government program that might improve the wellbeing of the American people.

Consider Trump’s claim that he’s going to have law enforcement and/or military personnel driving around through every U.S. city and town, rounding up illegal aliens for mass deportation.  Do even the very dullest and most hateful of his supporters think that’s ever going to happen?

The only thing of importance on the campaign trail is keeping up the empty rhetoric and bald-faced lies about the crime rate and the economy. It connects to people of such little intellectual horsepower that they will believe anything you say, regardless of how obviously false.


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