Dealing with Children

Here’s a piece on the present-day controversy forwarded by the Republican vice presidential hopeful JD Vance to the effect that all women should have children.

I commented: Not to like kids? I wouldn’t say that’s natural.

… to which a reader replied: Kids can be super irritating.

LOL! Sorry to laugh, but I couldn’t help myself. Yes, I’ve had that experience, as a father, sports coach, and tutor. Yet kids need our assistance and compassion if they are to grow into mentally healthy adults and function well in our society. I urge everyone to make an effort to like and help children.

Let me add, for those too young to remember, that there was an extremely popular comedian in the early-mid 20th Century by the name of W. C. Fields, whose “schtick” as a performer was being as offensive and misanthropic as possible.  I.e., he meant this to be funny.
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