Space Migration

From the website Physics Is Fun:

Stephen Hawking’s quote, “I think the human race has no future if it doesn’t go into space,” underscores his belief in the existential importance of space exploration. He viewed humanity’s expansion into space as essential for survival, given the potential threats from overpopulation, resource depletion, and global catastrophes on Earth. By venturing into space, humans can ensure the continuation of our species, diversify our habitats, and potentially discover new resources and knowledge. Hawking’s words serve as a reminder of the critical need to look beyond our planet for the long-term survival and evolution of humanity.

Apparently, Hawking actually did say this, but I had to look it up to verify that, given that it doesn’t seem like something that one of our brightest minds would have produced.  He seems to be saying that humankind is in the process of ruining one planet, so let’s take all that greed and stupidity and spread it all over the galaxy.

Let’s say that a drug addict living in the United States wants to address his problem by moving to Mexico.  Does that make sense? Wouldn’t one assume that his problem is simply going to follow him around until he addresses and eradicates its cause?

I’m more taken by the words of Neil deGrasse Tyson, who said, “If we can transform Mars into Earth, we can fix Earth.”

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