Questionable Social Media Post on Kamala Harris

Two friends from my youth are interacting on Facebook.  One posted the meme at left and the other wrote: So true! Kamala never WON any election and yet, she could be our next President. So sad.

I’m struggling to understand this.  Had Trump himself been elected to public office before he ran for president?  I thought he was a reality TV show star, the owner of a sham university that was ordered to pay restitution to the thousands of students it had ripped off, and a crooked charity administrator whom the State of New York banned from the non-profit world for his criminality, before he became a presidential candidate.

To have never been voted into public office isn’t unusual; that was the case with Washington, Taylor, Grant, and Eisenhower.  These were all military men, but did that make Ike Eisenhower unqualified to be president?

Kamala Harris had zero accomplishments?  Wasn’t she a federal prosecutor?

Not sure about the quality of the thinking here, but I suppose I could be missing something important.

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