Vaccinations: “I Don’t Know Who Needs to Hear This….”
Well, I know exactly who needs to hear this (not that it will make any difference).
There are two different, though related types of anti-vaxxers:
1) Those who carry with them the erroneous idea that vaccinations don’t work. It’s essentially an anti-science, Q-anon-style position, and it was quite popular during the height of the COVID -19 pandemic. Vaccinations were believed to be dangerous, often lethal. They were “experimental,” even though many billions of them had been administered, and there was no real evidence that they did more good than harm.
These people normally had an entire ensemble of conspiracy theories that solidified their crackpot ideas: the U.S. government had planned the pandemic, the medical community had grossly inflated the number of deaths from the disease, etc.
2) Selfish people who don’t care whether or not vaccinations (or masks, or social distancing) work on a societal basis. These are the people who don’t vaccinate their kids against the common childhood diseases, and they are the reason that certain of these ailments that were all but eradicated many decades ago are coming back with a vengeance.
When you look at what’s going so wrong with our world, it’s not hard to spot the culprit. It’s our population’s growing levels of ignorance and indifference to the well-being of others, and it’s growing worse with each passing year.
Here in the U.S., we happily re-elected a criminal conman to lead us. Ask yourself if this could have happened even 20 years ago.