Thou Shalt Not Kill

If you tried to list all the elements of hypocrisy associated with the commandment “Thou shalt not kill,” you’d be busy for a very long time.  War, the death penalty, genocide via bombs or starving out entire populations, refusing women life-saving abortions when their lives will certainly perish if they carry a diseased pregnancy to term…there really is no end.

The reference in the meme here, of course, is to the U.S. health insurance industry, whose greed routinely condemns uncountable Americans to death every year.

That the United States is the only developed country on Earth that allows a for-profit healthcare industry to put its boot on the neck of its citizens like this runs counter to the desires of the vast majority of its people, ca. 70%, who favor universal healthcare.

But the idea that “thou shalt not kill” means exactly zero.

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