This Guy Has a Bad Feeling About Our Future, But He Can’t Quite Put His Finger on It

Seriously?  The author of the meme here must be putting me on.  He “can’t explain it?”  “Things just don’t feel right?”

The United States is facing four more years of leadership by a sociopath–one who has nothing to lose from implementing policies that will a) nullify the justice system’s attempt to prosecute him for his crimes, b) use that same justice system to punish his enemies, c) further enrich himself and his billionaire friends by looting the U.S. treasury, d) cripple our nation’s efforts to mitigate environmental collapse, e) further destroy American education, f) remove women’s rights, and g) kick tens of millions of Americans off of healthcare.

I’m not sure how observant and intuitive you need to be to see all this.

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One comment on “This Guy Has a Bad Feeling About Our Future, But He Can’t Quite Put His Finger on It
  1. Scott McKie says:

    None of this will happen – unless we let it happen.

    “Tradition” was scrapped by every Republican Voter — because they knew that they were voting for a publically self-proclaimed Dictator – which is an active act of Treason — because it is an act (voting for Trump) to cause harm to the Country that as a citizen – you owe your allegiance to.

    They should get no courter — on anything.