Creating Enmity in Our Communities

Is the fast-food franchisee here improving his relationship with his community / customer base with this sign?

If I were writing it, the sign would read, “Wednesday Night Running Group: Please feel free to use our bathrooms. At Chipotle, we believe that health is cool, and we fully support you folks.  Go for the gold!”

I know we live in tense times, but maybe a bit more courtesy and less face-slapping is called for.

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One comment on “Creating Enmity in Our Communities
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Guess What Craig — he’s right. As the owner / manager of the restaurant — his obligation is to his clients – not a bunch of people that are out for a run – and didn’t go to the john before they started.

    Any seriou long-distance runner knows that — including me – who regularly ran the 5 miles races in while in high-school — sometimes winning. The last thing you want is a full bladder.