Yes, Our Leaders Should Believe in Science, But That’s Irrelevant

It would be great if we could pull off what Harrison Ford is suggesting i.e., that our leaders believe in science and create policy that is informed accordingly.  The problem is that our elections here in the United States are bought with extreme sums of money that are directed towards convincing massive numbers of poorly informed Americans that a certain candidate offers them solutions to their main concerns in life.

In 2024, hordes of people believed that runaway inflation was ruining the economy, that immigrants were taking their jobs, and that the crime rate was skyrocketing.  Of course, none of these assertions was true, but that was hardly relevant.

Trump promised to bring down the cost of groceries and deport many millions of immigrants.  He won every state and territory but nine.

Is climate change a hoax?  No.  Are vaccinations safe and effective?  Yes.

Is any of this important? Not on your life.


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