The Future of Solar in the United States

I just met a guy who’s been in the solar business since 2002, working on projects that are in the 8-figure range.  He mentioned a recent $27 million deal, so that means commercial and/or industrial clients.

After expressing my admiration for what he’s done, I asked what changes he’s noticed, and he replied, unsurprisingly, that the cost of goods has fallen by more that 50%–probably closer to 70%.

Then I asked him about his concerns about solar’s future.  He said that Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act has been incredibly powerful.  It re-instated the 30% investment tax credit that had expired, and added on another 20% if the project uses U.S. made materials.  He continued, “I don’t know where you are politically, but the Trump administration has vowed to repeal Biden’s work, and bring all this to a halt.  This would be a terrible blow to the progress we’ve made.”


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