Positive Thinking

The meme here is from a group called the “Power of Positivity.”

As for me, I like to see a mechanism that suggests that “everything will work out in the end.”

Coincidentally, an old friend wrote me earlier today about my association with the Turimiquire Foundation as follows:

This is one of the few things I’ve read about recently that makes me hopeful for meaningful global change.  The founder of this organization and the people who are providing these services to Venezuelan women are to be commended on doing such selfless and important work. It’s truly impressive.

The fact that the organization is so efficient in getting the donated dollars to the target population is nice to see as well.

I found the Durian fruit project also to be fascinating.  I had never heard of this plant before and the characteristics it displays makes it ideal as a potential tool to mitigate deforestation, global warming and poverty.

Now that’s what I call a mechanism.

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