Civil War Seems Problematic

The idea that a civil war could lie in front of us has been bandied about ever since it became clear that Trump was a career criminal who, when elected U.S. president in 2016, had the potential to destroy the country and needed to be removed.

Roger Stone, one of our country’s most profound ass****s, once said that any attempt to impeach Trump would cause a violent insurrection, but let’s give that a thought or two.

There are several insurmountable problems associated with such an uprising.  The main one is that the “combatants” don’t wear uniforms, nor do we live hundreds of miles away from one another, e.g., the distance from Pennsylvania to Tennessee.  The town I live in, the clothes I wear, and the (lack of) bumper stickers on my car all make me indistinguishable from the MAGA couple who lives next door.

OK, we live among hateful idiots, but are any of us, regardless of our mental shortcomings, going to simply start shooting at our neighbors on the suspicion that they may have voted for Biden?

Looked at differently, will people indiscriminately start trying to kill FBI agents because they raided Mar-a-Lago? Will they attempt to knock off the representatives and governors of blue states?  High level assassinations aren’t easy for the average fat moron with an AK-15 to pull off.

Seems far-fetched.

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