“Standing Against Socialism”

Here’s a pic I took of the rear bumper of a car parked in our “God-and-country” little town, where the politics is distinctly pro-Trump.

Had I been able to speak with the owner, I would have liked to ask how he would define the word “socialism.”  For most of these people, it’s essentially “Stalinism” or “totalitarianism”: the removal of all personal rights and freedom, total government control of our lives, Draconian punishments for dissidents, and the abolition of private property.

In our tiny burg, there seems to be little recognition of the fact that the happiest nations on Earth, those in Northern Europe, are, every one, social democracies, where the country’s citizens look to government to provide valuable services that benefit all the people.

There is also little understanding of the fact that all Americans receive an extensive list of government services in exchange for their tax dollars.  If I were to read them that list (see below), and asked them to name those that were socialistic, I’m sure I would be looking into a blank stare.



Infrastructure, police, fire fighting, criminal justice, national defense, public education, labor laws, auto and food safety standards, air traffic control, TSA, libraries, emergency medical care, environmental regulation, social security, Medicare, the National Archives, national parks, bank regulations and deposit insurance, copyright and patent laws, federal dams to provide electrical power, flood control, the Weather Service, the Federal Housing Authority, consulates and embassies, FEMA, veterans affairs, public water systems, monitoring of all international cargo, NASA, border protection, and the National Institutes of Health.


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