Are Republicans Jumping Ship?

A video from progressive political action committee “MeidasTouch” (see below) asserts that Republicans are leaving the GOP in droves out of frustration with the Trump/MAGA ultra-right.  I would love to believe that, but I’m struggling with the notion. 

The problem is that they have nowhere to go.  It’s hard to imagine that anyone who voted for Trump in 2020 is going to vote for a Democrat in 2024, regardless of who’s running for what.  Sure, they may hate Trump in earnest, recognizing the truth about the Big Lie and the former president’s attempt to overthrow the U.S. government.  But where can they turn?

Even my lifelong Republican mother may find herself in this position (I no longer get into political details with her during our calls).  I can’t tell you what she will do if Trump is the GOP nominee in 2024.  One think I can promise, however, is that she won’t be voting blue.

I would add that MeidasTouch’s numbers, i.e., that their video has been viewed “thousands of times,” belie their claim of a mass exodus.  Trump got 74 million votes in 2020, which makes “thousands” almost totally insignificant.

What will move the needle here is a raft of criminal indictments for election tampering (primarily in Georgia), inciting an insurrection, and stealing classified documents.  That will suffice to remove the conman from most voters’ and congresspeoples’ good graces.

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