Trump Doesn’t Think Things Through, But Now That’s Become a Problem
Ever since Donald Trump came onto the political scene in 2015 and began making outrageous statements, people have been wondering why those around him don’t prevent him from making a jackass out of himself. The answer, presumably, is some blend of “I’m scared of his wrath” and “I’m powerless to make a difference.”
What happened a few days ago, i.e., Trump’s Mar-a-Lago dinner with a white nationalist and an anti-Semite, was on par with any of the other atrocious decisions of his career. It simply reaffirms that the former president listens to no one and no thing (other than the demons that live in his head).
Tens of millions of gun nut Trump supporters are now in a position to wonder if their leader’s suggestion to abandon the Constitution (and thus the Second Amendment) will be good for them and their capacity to blow away hundreds of people per minute.