Bored with Billionaires?
My wife was just talking about this earlier today. “How is it possible,” she asked me, “that our world’s wealthiest people have so little interest in reversing world hunger or climate change? What would they rather do with hundreds of billions of dollars? Wouldn’t they like to be remembered as great human beings?”
Good question, but the answer is no. For most of them, their love of money, and their lack of interest in the welfare in the rest of humankind, is what drove them to their station in life in the first place, not to mention that most of that wealth, in more cases than not, was inherited from ancestors who had even less concern for others than they had themselves.
If you’ve ever delivered pizzas, as I did in my youth, you probably learned what I did: hope you don’t get a drop-off in a rich neighborhood expecting to get a tip, because it’s unlikely to happen. Hope for a customer living in a trailer park who’s going to give you $10 that they clearly can’t afford, only because they know–and care–about the real-world lives of working-class Americans.