What Ron DeSantis Does and Does Not Believe

Here’s a piece in New Republic entitled Ron DeSantis Wants to Make It a Felony to Have an Undocumented Person in Your Home or Car.

The truth is this: No he doesn’t.  DeSantis knows that introducing a hateful and clearly unconstitutional bill like this is a quick and extremely effective way to attract media attention and drive this nation’s people into a frenzy, with him in the spotlight, yet one more time.

Can’t we just hear Americans’ thoughts?

Half of us: Didn’t we learn anything from the Nazis, when people were hanged for harboring Jews?  Can an Uber driver go to jail because he didn’t check one of his riders’ papers?  Can you think of anything more blatantly stupid and mean?

The other half: Yeah!  Biden has opened the border, and immigrants are pouring across it like ants to steal our jobs.  If the radical left has successfully weaponized the Justice Department to come after Trump, DeSantis is our last chance to save this great country!

Anyone who thinks that Ron DeSantis, an educated person, actually supports a law that couldn’t get past the Supreme Court in North Korea, is an idiot.

But, as they say, we live among them.

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