Celebrating Murder

What does it mean when the President of the United States meets and congratulates Kyle Rittenhouse, a deranged young killer of sympathizers of the BLM movement?

At the very least, it takes a society that previously regarded itself as sane and decent, and stands it on its head.

We’re a shadow of our former selves.  If we’ll ever regain our former status as a land of honesty is anyone’s guess.

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One comment on “Celebrating Murder
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Like Tonto replied to the Lone Ranger — “What do you mean ‘we’ white man”.

    Don’t include me in your totally backassward assumption.

    I’ve never lost my honesty, and am a damned good representation of my former self, have never lost my sanity or sense of decency.

    By writing this — you’ve obviously questioning yours.