Why Tucker Carlson and Fox News Parted Ways: Another Failed Attempt at an Explanation

We’re all looking for reasons why Tucker Carlson got whacked from Fox News.  Here’s yet another theory that doesn’t ring true.

Reader Dolly Lindley notes about the video below:  It occurred to me almost immediately when I heard about Tucker, that he was the only newsperson being very vocal about Big Pharma and Psych Drugs being present at all the shootings and violence.

So Tucker Carlson, as shown in the video below, was an honest voice against the depravity of “psych drugs,” even though Fox News’ single largest source of ad revenues is Glaxosmithkline, the 7th largest member of Big Pharma on Earth, with revenues of $4.4 billion in annual revenues?  He called out the entirety of the world health system, across 206 countries around the globe, and the 9.2 million corrupt doctors on the planet, and got fired for it?
Seriously, we can do better than that.


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