Glenn Beck: “Gold Brings You Piece of Mind” (Can’t Spell “Peace”)

That’s as may be.  But, spelling aside, do you know what would concern the hell out of me?  Taking investment advice from the professional liars at the ultra-right-wing “news” sources.  Before his ouster from Fox News, Tucker Carlson was also hawking investments in precious metals.

I’m wondering how many baby boomers with elderly parents are worried about the safety of what will soon be their inheritances.  Are dear old mom and dad following the advice of people who spread disinformation for a living?  That’s not exactly what I’d call “peace of mind.”

And if that doesn’t scare you, imagine you’re an investor in Fox Corp. itself.  Not only did you take a 6% haircut the other day, but your company now faces a $2.7 billion damages claim for defamation, this one from Smartmatic, whose attorneys will be taking the same tack that forced Fox to settle the Dominion case out of court for a cool three-quarters of a billion dollars.

Hmmmm.  Wait a second here.  How much money does Fox actually have?  It’s possible that we may soon see Fox News belly-up. That won’t end the GOP’s assault on U.S. democracy, but it’s one heck of a good start.

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