A Younger Democrat Would Be Nice, But Not Essential

What former Republican U.S. representative Joe Walsh says here echoes what most Democrats believe.  Would we like to have a candidate who’s younger, more vibrant, and less prone to gaffes in his speaking?  Of course.

What we don’t want, and will not accept, however, is a criminal conman who tried to overthrow the United States government.

I’m reminded of the talk around the 2020 election.  When people said that the Democrats needed a platform that was more than “We’re Not Trump,” I replied, “I’m not too sure about that.”

We had seen Trump impeached twice, and it was clear that he was guilty of fraud, tax evasion, extortion, and witness intimidation–not to mention his more than 30,000 lies/deceptive statements issued while he was in office.  This, of course, was before the incitement, seditious conspiracy, treason, and theft of classified documents came along.

If the Democrats nominate my gardener, he’d beat Trump in the general election.

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