WeBuildTheWall Founder and Co-founder Sentenced to Prison for Ripping off MAGA Republicans

There are so many tragedies unfolding around us that stem from the election of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency in 2016.  Many of these derive from the revelation that a huge swath of the American public is profoundly stupid, and, as such, are ripe targets to be fleeced by clever criminals who understand that “a fool and his money are soon parted,” at least according to Aesop.

From this:  On Wednesday, Judge Analisa Torres of Federal District Court in Manhattan sentenced WeBuildTheWall founder Brian Kolfage to four years and three months in prison for pocketing donations that were made by gullible, hateful morons who trusted the organization to build a 2200-mile wall across the southern border of the U.S.  His co-conspirator, Andrew Badolato, will be serving three years.

The fate of Steve Bannon, who also heavily involved, remains unclear.  He was sentenced to four months in jail for contempt of Congress, but he remains free.


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