“They Just Can’t See It, Can They?”

An old college friend and I were talking the other day, and the topic turned to American politics in general and Trump in particular.

At a certain point he said, “Ya know, the most alarming thing about this whole mess is that you have tens of millions of people who simply can’t see Trump for the lying sociopath he is.”

Nailed it.

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One comment on ““They Just Can’t See It, Can They?”
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Your college buddie’s comment actually “bounced off” that nail head you think he hit squarely, and even though he will never read “this” — hopefully you will — and think about it.

    How unthinkable it may be to you — here comes the truth concerning “…those tens of millions of people who simply ‘can’t’ see Trump for the lying sociopath he is…”.

    There is nothing keeping anyone, let alone “…those tens of millions of people…”, who, to a person are Republican Party votors; from seeing Trump for what he is — except their own individual personal “beliefs” and prejudices.

    That was made blatently and glaringly clear this week on national cable TV, in the videoed interaction between a woman from the MidWest accusing Mike Pense of “…not using his “legal ability” as Vice President to “pick” the “proper / correct” electoral college representative votes in the 2020 election, and thus ‘losing the election to Biden…”.
    A “paraphrase” — but totally accurate.

    When presented with the “facts to the contrary” concerning the controlling “legal rights”, from Mike Pence himself; this self-declared Trump backing, Republican Party voter; (one of the tens of millions your buddie spoke about); made a decision.
    She made the decision, by herself, and without any external pressure from anyone or anything, and on video: to continue to keep her self-perceived” / non-legally based position concerning Trump; based solely on his lie concerning the matter.

    Nothing more can, or should be said further on the matter — it is “all out there” to witness:

    There is not one shred of “…simply can’t see…” in this.

    Republican Party voters have made their individual decision “…to not see…” what Trump actually is.

    And that “…is the most alarming thing about this whole mess…”.