Steve Bannon, Scumbag Extraordinaire

Bannon’s all over social media giving out investment advice.  He says he sees rough going for the U.S. economy and recommends a precious metal deal of which he is a part.   Incredible that anyone could possibility find him credible.

As I was telling a friend the other day, it will be a most unsatisfying event if neither he nor Roger Stone is sent to prison at the end of all this.

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One comment on “Steve Bannon, Scumbag Extraordinaire
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Both of them will eventually go to jail for what they’ve been part of — and it will take some time because “justice is no longer swift”.

    The only thing the rest of us in this country have to make sure of — is that Trump is not voted back into office for a second term as President; and then get rid of the “electoral college”.

    We make sure of that Trump isn’t elected — by voting — in all elections.