One comment on “Americans May Re-Unite, At Least Partially
  1. Scott McKie says:

    According to Professor Lawrence Tribe (Professor Emeritus at Harvard), as interviewed on MSNBC last night by Lawrence O’Donnell – Trump is already guilty of treason as defined in the 14th Ammenmdment’s diqualification clause — which is an automatic clause.

    All that has to be done by the Secretary of State — in any state — is to make the decision (that each State Secretary of State has): and “state that Trump is disqualified” — and “that’s it”.
    He can’t run for President in that state.

    All it will take — is for any State Secretary of State –to make the statement — and the ball will start to roll.

    The ball will end up in the US Supreme Court really quickly because of all of the legal suits that will follow the statement — and the decesion will be made.

    No one can truthfully say what the present US Supreme Court will decide — but so far it has been “wins by Trump – 0”, “wins by others against Trump” – almost unaminous.