Trump as an Authoritative Leader

From NPR:  “All authoritarian leaders have cults of personality,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, professor of history at New York University and author of Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present. “Meaning, they propose themselves as all-powerful, as the only solution possible to the nation’s ills. ‘I alone can fix it.’ “
The story linked above is well worth four minutes of your time.
We’re a full eight years past the point that Trump arrived on the American political scene, and, at least to some of us, all of this still seems surreal.  It’s just hard to imagine that this happened in the United States.
At the core is Trump’s lies.  There are still tens of millions of American voters who believe that Trump won the 2020 election, and that massive fraud pushed Biden into the White House.
And getting rid of him won’t be easy, as he’s effectively holding the country for ransom.  You either elect me as the 46th president, or watch me create several orders of magnitude more chaos and mayhem than you’ve even seen before. 
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