One comment on “Trump: “I Killed Roe v. Wade”
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Donald Trump, and every one of his voting followers — is / are a walking talking example of just how deep one can get into one’s own “mind-sewer”.

    The thing that has to be addressed though (instead of “just wringing of the hands” responce / posting)– is the fact that those voter believe as he does — making them just the same.
    And to date –that “inconvenient fact” hasn’t been addressed yet.

    Pundits, forum owners, and the “progressive news-media” (mostly tose not owned by the Murdoch family now) are still focusing on talking about the “government representatives” that these pieces of “floatable excrement” voted into office: instead of dealing with the real problem — the conservative / MAGA voter that identifies with; and will vote for: Trump and his “floating excrement types”.

    Michael Wolff laid it all out last night on Lawrence O’Donald’s MSNBC Show / that it “…was and still is…” the Republican Voter alone, demanding a continuous feed of “red meat lies” –that was the reason that Rupert Murdoch changed his mind –because of all of the money to be made — and gave Fox News (and the other sources of B.S. that he owns) the news megaphone.
    If he hadn’t done that — things most likely would not be as they are politically.

    Those m — conservative MAGA voters wanted to be told “what they wanted to be told” — want more of it today — and Murdoch gave / is still giving it to them — so that the Murdoch family can make more money.

    Until these facts are dealt with “straight-up”: by naming and exposing them for what they are: white-nationalist / Racist / Nazis — you will continue to receive what is the actual truth of the matter in your “Leave a Reply” section.

    Because you refuse to draw a disteinction between the Trump types and the rest of us — by continually trying to lump everyone of us together — and not pointing these “walking / talking things” out for what they are — demonstrates to your readers, that: by your lack of conviction for “what is decent and right” — there is no differencebetween them and yourself.

    You sleep with a MAGA rabid dog — you get MAGA rabies from the dog.