Why Trumpism Is So Entrenched

The thought expressed here represents a serious challenge for humankind, and it’s precisely the mechanism that keeps Trumpism so firmly rooted in place.  The MAGA crowd is organized in lockstep around the principles of hate, violence, and exclusion.

As MLK put it, “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”

It’s not an easy task.


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One comment on “Why Trumpism Is So Entrenched
  1. Scott McKie says:

    The one thing that is missing — is “finally” getting into the faces – eyeball to eyeball – with the haters: being ready to “give back” as much as is received.

    When the haters learn that “love” can be sheathed with an iron fist — they will be given the message: change or face the consequences – because “hating brings about real life consequences”.

    The IDF is “demonstrating their “love” right now:, i.e., the love of “self-preservation”.